Party Administrators can create CCAMLR user accounts for individuals in their Party.
Once an account is created, that individual will have access to restricted sections of the CCAMLR website according to their assigned roles.
1.When logged in to the CCAMLR website select Manage User Accounts from the top horizontal menu.
2. Click on the Party under My Parties that you wish to create a new account for. (For this example, we are using Chile). You will normally only see one Party here.
3. Click on Create new CCAMLR account
4. Please fill in as much information in English as you can in the form. Required fields are Email, First Name and Family Name. Once you have filled in the form click on Create new account which will direct you to assigning roles to this new user. The expiry of all accounts is set by default to 15 December of the current year, but you can set the expiry to any date before that. It is the Responsibility of the Party Administrators to decide which accounts need to be renewed.
5. Please choose which roles you would like to assign to this user. You will notice categories on the left to group some roles. Clicking these categories will display extra roles that can be assigned. CDS Contact Officers, as well as having full access to the CDS for your Party, can also create new users and assign CDS roles to users. Once you have assigned all roles click on Add new user to {insert party name here} to add the user to the Party with the selected roles.