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Why can’t I see any DCDs, DEDs, or DREDs on my home page?

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If you can’t see any Dissostichus Catch Documents (DCDs), Dissostichus Export Documents (DEDs), or Dissostichus Re-Export Documents (DREDs) you need to first check that you have been assigned a CDS user role. To check this go to your user profile page.

CDS user roles allow different access depending on the type of role assigned. These are as follows:

Flag Official

Flag Officials can issue new DCDs on behalf of their party’s Flag State Issuing Authority. A Flag Official can complete steps 1 to 7 for DCDs issued by issuing authorities of their own party.

Port Official

A Port Official can complete steps 8 to 10 for DCDs where the landing port was a port of their own party.

Export Official

An Export Official can create, complete and view steps 1 to 3 for a DED for any DCD where the landing port was a port of the same party as the Export Official’s party.

An Export Official can create, complete and view steps 1 to 3 for a DRED for any DED where the port of arrival is a port of the same party as the Export Official’s party.


When notified via email, the exporter will receive a link to the e-CDS granting access to the e-CDS for the completion of step 2. Once step 2 has been completed, access to the e-CDS will no longer be available to the exporter.

The role of Flag, Port of Export Official is assigned by a CDS Contact Officer or Party Administrator of a user’s party through the CCAMLR website.

During the process of issuing DED or DRED, a CDS Contact Officer or Export Official may invite an exporter to complete step 2 by adding details directly into the e-CDS. A CCAMLR account does NOT need to exist for the exporter, and they do not need to be assigned a username or password.

Once you have the appropriate access to the e-CDS home page you will be able to see any DCD, DED or DRED that your State has had a role in. That is, any DCD issued by your State, any DCD with catch landed in a port of your State or DEDs/DREDs exported from or imported to your State.

>CCAMLR e-CDS User Manual

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